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栏目:聚焦     编辑:柳暮雪    时间:2019-11-12 13:49     热搜:市场   阅读量:17428   




波音民机集团中国区市场部执行总监理韦力(Richard Wynne)介绍称,波音与中国渊源很深,他们非常重视中国这样一个不断发展的市场。

我们与中国的渊源可以追溯到1972年,当时尼克松总统访华乘坐的就是我们的707客机。从那时起,在随后的逾四十五年间,我们向中国市场交付了数千架商用飞机。We date our history in China and our engagement with China to 1972 when President Nixon visited on one of our 707s. Since then, over the course of the last 45 plus years, we've delivered thousands of commercial airplanes to China.

这个市场太重要了,我们在这里有许多尊贵的客户。我们进入中国市场已久,未来我们也致力于继续开拓这个市场。This is an important market. We have lots of valued customers here. We've been here for a long time. We're committed to remaining here in the future.

可以说,自上世纪70年代以来,中美关系的改善,为波音在中国的发展提供了良好的契机。韦力向中国日报记者透露了波音未来20年在中国的发展规划。接下来的二十年里,据估将有8100架商用飞机等待交付。我们预计,整个售后服务的市场规模,将达1.6万亿美元,以便为交付至中国的飞机提供各类商业服务And over the next 20 years, we expect the delivery of 8,100 commercial airplanes. And we expect commercial services or after delivery market of about 1.6 trillion dollars to support that fleet of airplanes delivered in China.因此,韦力希望中美两国之间的贸易争端可以得到妥善解决。我们坚信会有一个乐观的结果,并期待未来我们能够继续为日益增长的中国市场提供服务。We're confident that we'll get that. And then we're looking forward to servicing the growing Chinese market in the years to come.


欧洲的企业同样重视中国市场。欧洲高端家居品牌赫曼德(KIC)欧洲区总裁尼古拉斯·赫伦(Nicholas Heron)眼中,中欧之间的文化、旅游交流活动,促进了双方的经贸往来。

随着越来越多的中国人去欧洲旅游,他们可以看到欧式家居的美感和品质,也想把这种风格运用在自己家中。As more people from China were traveling to Europe, they could see the beauty and the quality of European homes, and wanted it in their homes.

自然而然地,他们需要一个像KIC这样的企业,来帮助他们把家打造出欧式的家装设计风格。And it was an obvious choice that they needed somewhere like KIC to come and talk to about the opportunity of making their home a European style and a European design of interior.

赫伦认为,进博会是一个绝佳的平台,将会为他们的发展提供很好的助力。It's a perfect platform for imported brands. It could be a real stepping board for us.


罗马尼亚药妆品牌参展商克劳迪娅·纳库(Claudia Nacu)认为,进博会简直是一个来了一次还想一直来的地方。

进博会是全世界范围内最重要的进出口展会。我也参加过第一届进博会,如今我参展了第二届,以后我每年都会来推介我们的化妆品。The CIIE is the most important import and export fair in the world. And I also came last year for the first edition, and now I come to the second edition. And I will come every year to promote our cosmetics.

罗马尼亚和中国有着七十年的传统友谊,我们今后每年的合作也会越来越好。为什么不在中国把生意做得一年比一年好呢。Romania and China have 70 years of traditional friendship. And our collaboration every year will be better and better. Why not to start the business to grow up every year, every year.



